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Chalk Creek is an independent Registered Investment Advisor. We cater our investment expertise to match your individual needs. Through strategic asset allocation, idiosyncratic investing ideas, tactical trading, and sophisticated hedging techniques, we aim to build diversified portfolios for all market environments. We offer Managed Accounts and the Chalk Creek Total Return Fund, LP.
We craft portfolios to match the needs of specific investors. Risk Tolerance, Time Horizon, Taxes, and Investment Objective together make up the framework for the holistic view of each investor's needs.
Portfolio Management
We believe in constructing portfolios that use the three basic variates of the market: company fundamentals, the economic or macro environment, and quantitative analysis.
Risk Management
Risk Management boils down to accurately measuring the amount of potential reward per unit of risk taken. We constantly monitor and rebalance our investment exposures.
Chalk Creek has partnered with Charles Schwab as custodian for its managed accounts. Goldman Sachs is the custodian for the Chalk Creek Total Return Fund, LP. BTIG is the introducing broker.
Compliance is paramount at Chalk Creek. We have adopted industry best-practices and follow a rigorous set of checks and balances.
High Conviction
We believe in what we do. We invest our own money in the "Chalk Creek" portfolio. Our interests are aligned with those of our clients.

Who We Are
Who we are
Carlisle C. Wysong is the Managing Partner of Chalk Creek Partners LLC. Prior to returning to Texas to found his own Registered Investment Advisor firm, Carlisle gained invaluable experience working at HBK and SAC, two of the most successful hedge funds in the world. Carlisle left SAC to help found the London-based Carrhae Capital. Throughout his 25+ year career on Wall Street, Carlisle also worked on the sell-side trading desks of JP Morgan and Credit Suisse. Carlisle earned his B.A. degree in Economics and Spanish from Amherst College in 1993. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (C.F.A.) designation.
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